package delta.codecharacter.server.config
import delta.codecharacter.server.code.LanguageEnum
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
data class DefaultCodeMapConfiguration(
val defaultCode: String =
"#include \"player_code.h\"\n" +
"\n" +
"// This initial code is well commented and serves as a small tutorial for game\n" +
"// APIs, for more information you can refer to the documentation\n" +
"\n" +
"// This is the function player has to fill\n" +
"// You can define any new functions here that you want\n" +
"Game run(const State &state) {\n" +
"\n" +
" // Always start by instantiating a Game class object\n" +
" Game game;\n" +
"\n" +
" size_t remaining_coins = state.get_coins_left();\n" +
"\n" +
" game.logr() << \"TURN \" << state.get_turn_no() << \" LOGS:\";\n" +
"\n" +
" // Get all the attackers and defenders in the game and store it\n" +
" const std::vector<Attacker> &attackers = state.get_attackers();\n" +
" const std::vector<Defender> &defenders = state.get_defenders();\n" +
"\n" +
" // The function get_all_valid_spawn_positions() is a helper which will give us\n" +
" // the list of valid spawn positions in map.\n" +
" // If the position we're spawning is not one of these, the player will be\n" +
" // penalized by deducting the spawn cost but not spawning the attacker\n" +
" std::vector<Position> all_valid_spawn_positions =\n" +
" get_all_valid_spawn_positions();\n" +
"\n" +
" // Lets say I want to spawn an attacker of each of the type in one turn\n" +
" // and I want to use the all_valid_spawn_positions list as well. In order to\n" +
" // keep traack of the last index in the list that we spawned at, we can use a\n" +
" // static variable in c++\n" +
"\n" +
" static int last_spawned = 0;\n" +
"\n" +
" // If there's no defenders left,we can stop spawning and save up on coins,\n" +
" // which are important for boosting game score\n" +
" if (!defenders.empty()) {\n" +
" for (size_t type_id = 1; type_id <= Constants::NO_OF_ATTACKER_TYPES;\n" +
" type_id++) {\n" +
" // Spawn the attacker of type_id at position\n" +
" // all_valid_spawn_positions[last_spawned]\n" +
"\n" +
" // There are two cases when you might be panalized\n" +
" // - Spawning at invalid position\n" +
" // - Spawning at position where you have already spawned one attacker\n" +
" // in the same turn\n" +
" //\n" +
" // We have provided helpers to check just that\n" +
"\n" +
" // game class will keep track of all your spawned positions for you and\n" +
" // provides a helper method called already_spawned_at_position(Position)\n" +
" // to check if you already spawned in the position\n" +
"\n" +
" // Mostly a good practice to check with these two helpers before spawning,\n" +
" // to save up on accidental penalties\n" +
" if (is_valid_spawn_position(all_valid_spawn_positions[last_spawned]) &&\n" +
" !game.already_spawned_at_position(\n" +
" all_valid_spawn_positions[last_spawned])) {\n" +
" // If lets say you had run out of coins left, the game will just ignore\n" +
" // the spawn\n" +
" game.spawn_attacker(type_id, all_valid_spawn_positions[last_spawned]);\n" +
"\n" +
" // This has the starting attributes for the attacker we are about to\n" +
" // spawn\n" +
" // For full information about the Attributes class refer the\n" +
" // documentation\n" +
" Attributes attackers_attributes =\n" +
";\n" +
"\n" +
" // You can use the logger we provide to show log messages in the\n" +
" // rendered game\n" +
" game.logr() << \"(\" << attackers_attributes.hp << \",\"\n" +
" << attackers_attributes.attack_power\n" +
" << \") to be spawned at Position(\"\n" +
" << all_valid_spawn_positions[last_spawned].get_x() << \",\"\n" +
" << all_valid_spawn_positions[last_spawned].get_y() << \")\"\n" +
" << '\\n';\n" +
" (last_spawned += 1) %= all_valid_spawn_positions.size();\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // Now lets say you always want to set the target for the attackers[0] to\n" +
" // defenders[0]\n" +
" // To do that you do\n" +
" if (!attackers.empty() && !defenders.empty()) {\n" +
" // check if they are empty beforehand to be safe from unexpected errors\n" +
" game.set_target(attackers.front(), defenders.front());\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // Lets log all the spawned positions for this turn\n" +
" for (auto &[type_id, pos] : game.get_spawn_positions()) {\n" +
" // you can use logger macro as well, which is an alias for game.logr()\n" +
" logger << \"Type \" << type_id << \" at Position (\" << pos.get_x() << \",\"\n" +
" << pos.get_y() << \")\\n\";\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // always return the game object\n" +
" return game;\n" +
val defaultLanguage: LanguageEnum = LanguageEnum.CPP,
val defaultMap: String =