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Program Structure

1. Organisations Applications

DWoC opens applications for organisations to register 1-2 months prior to the actual program. Interested organisations should go over to DWoC ahead and list out their projects and the corresponding issues. The projects should have the dwoc tag associated with them.

2. Setup

Go ahead and put down some basic mod rules in your Organisation/Project ‘s Discord Server. Ensure every project has a stellar README file entailing the project’s purpose, setup instructions and licence.

In Github, classify issues into:

  1. Beginners
  2. Basic
  3. Intermediate
  4. Advanced

Ensure that there is a sufficient description of the issue and the skills required. As contributors are required to complete 4 issues, one of each difficulty, Mentors are advised to make issues with varying difficulties so a contributor can finish their quota without switching projects. Mentors should help contributors setup the project on their local machines.

3. Picking a Contributor

Contributors will contact a Mentor through Discord or Github and will put forth a proposed solution to a specific issue. Help the contributor to set up the project .Mentors should guide them to reach a proper outline of the solution before assigning the issue. Once the issue is assigned Mentors can set milestones for the Contributor to adhere to. All this will be reflected in the DWoC dashboard.

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