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Am I good enough?

Delta Winter of Code is open to all college students. You don't need to be a programmer to apply to DWoC as there are projects that involve UI/UX, documentation, Ideation etc. DWoC wants contributors who are passionate about tech and have a drive to see a project through.

But there are a few basic requirements a contributor must meet in order for the program to go smoothly.


Contributors should be open to speaking and expressing themselves as it is essential. Contributors need to constantly be in contact with mentors, both through meets and code reviews and it is necessary to have a proper conversation to easily understand the requirements and work throught the errors.

Technical Setup

Most of the work will happen through Meets and code will be collaborated on using git. This will require a working laptop along with a good internet connection. Your mentors will guide you to set up the necessary software for the project.


Feel free to go for projects with Linux. Windows Subsystem for Linux is a drop in replacement for Linux.

There are a lot of different kinds of projects in DWoC but if you feel you fit the bill with the following requirements, then go ahead and apply!!

Winter TreesSnowy mountains
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