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Program Structure

1. Scout for Issues

There will be projects with issues classified as:

  1. Beginner
  2. Basic
  3. Intermediate
  4. Advanced

As a contributor you are expected to fix at least 1 issue from each difficulty level. You can choose issues from different projects but it is advised to go for 4 issues in the same project as it will be less taxing as you won’t have to familiarise yourself with a new code base every time. Scout the projects and pick projects which you would like to work on.

2. Getting Assigned

Once you find an issue, contact the corresponding organisation’s mentors through the issue page on github or the discord channel and put forth your proposal to solve the issue. Once a proper plan to solve the issue is in place you will be assigned the issue.

3. Working towards the solution

Once you start on trying to fix an issue you will have code review meets with your mentor and over some time, you will end up finishing up a fix. As soon as it is done, your fix will be merged and you will have taken a step ahead towards open source!

4. Finishing Up

Once you are done with a fix, it will reflect on your profile in DWoC. Once your done with issues from all the difficulties, you can go ahead and explore other projects too. At this point you can flex as to how you are an open source contributor with the DWoC official T-Shirt !

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